2021 Holiday Sale

Students and Parents,
I’m so excited to announce our 1-Day Only 2021 Holiday Sale! This year we’re going all out to bring you awesome martial arts equipment and gifts your whole family will love (and some they really need!). 10 to 20 % off on most orders! Special Package Deals! We’ll have on hand WMA Logo Hoodies and T-shirts as well as training and sparring gear! From high quality safety gear and at home training equipment to hundreds of dollars in savings on tuition. We’re really excited about the sale – we know you’ll love it!
If you need to get a second uniform, replace that worn out mouthpiece, or finally get a new headgear (you know, they’re not supposed to cut off circulation to the brain ;)), we can help at the Holiday Sale.
Look for the 2021 Century Martial Arts Holiday Catalogue in your emails, on our website, www.waldorfmartialarts.com, or on our private Facebook Group Page, Waldorf Martial Arts Student Bulletin Board. Or pick one up at the school counter. The Holiday Catalogue has some really cool gifts for your martial artist!
If you can’t make it in on the 20th, we will be happy to take your orders by phone, email, or fax. Do your shopping at home, complete the order form, and send it in via email, phone call, fax, or drop it off here at the school. We can debit your account or take a credit card over the phone.
We’ll schedule discreet pickup if you’re trying to surprise someone with a gift, and even let family and friends make phone orders. If they call between 10 and 5 they’ll get the Holiday Sale prices and discounts. I mean, why not hit up grandma for some cool karate gear, right?
Anyway, we’re really, really excited about the sale, and we hope you are too! We’ll be announcing it in class over the next few weeks as we get ready for it.
If you have any questions, please let us know. See you at the sale!
Yours in Taekwondo,
Mrs. Cavanaugh (AKA: Ms.C.)
P.S. Black Belt and students with a VIP pass (ask how to get a VIP Pass!) will be allowed through the doors at 9:30 am!
P.P.S. We’ll even have a really cool new student package, so if you know of anyone who’s been wanting to start but just hasn’t yet, let them know that November 20th is the perfect day. Thanks!