
A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Waldorf Martial Arts March 2016 Calendar of Events

March 2016 calendar of events

Waldorf Martial Arts Class schedule-Effective 2-29-2016

2016 Class Schedule- effective 2-29-16

February 2016 Waldorf Martial Arts Calendar of Events

February 2016 calendar of events

January 2016 Calendar of Events

January 2016 Calendar of Events

Here is your Waldorf Martial Arts December 2015 Calendar of Events

December 2015 Calendar of Events

A Great Holiday Gift Idea! Give the gift of Confidence, Charater, & Leadership!

2015 Gift Box Ad for FB Confidence Character Leadership PictureThe Holidays are fast approaching and you have a lot to do to prepare for them, what with decorating, baking, shopping and then wrapping! We have a great gift idea that will save you time, but, more importantly, it’s a gift that is both fun and good for the recipient as well! Martial Arts lessons. At our school, we focus on three areas of development for each student; confidence, character, and leadership.
Now, the gift package may be purchased for $50 and includes a martial arts uniform and the students first belt; the white belt. It also contains a beautiful gift certificate for a private orientation class, and one month of group lessons. Plus, 50% off one week of our Karate Sports Summer Camp next year. This comes ready to give in a beautiful Gift Box.
Call 301-645-1650 to order yours today!

Important Holiday Sale Stuff!

Dear Parents and Students,

I want to take a moment to personally thank you and your family for being a part of Waldorf Martial Arts. It’s wonderful to have your family involved in our school.

I’m writing because our Holiday Sale is fast approaching, and we’ll have a LOT of items available. If you are new to our program, We’ll have special beginner program training packages.

If you’re an Orange or Yellow belt then you’ll be getting ready to start free-sparring pretty soon. We’ll have great sparring gear packages on sale!

If you’ve been sparring for a while and could use some new gear, think about upgrading to our Century “P3” Package.

The Century Holiday Sale Catalog has a lot of really cool gift ideas for your entire family! Pick one up at the school this week. Century has re-introduced the “kicking Jeans” (P.24) I had a pair back in 1977! Back then they were called “Chuck Norris Kicking Jeans”, and we all had a pair! These new jeans look a lot better than the ones we had! ;0)

Attached you’ll find some pretty valuable coupons that’ll help too.

It’s been our experience that children who DO get Christmas presents that further their martial arts training are more likely to be successful in our program. I mean, stuff that helps your child be more successful martial artist sure beats video games!

If you have any questions about the sale, please let me know!

Mrs. Cavanaugh

P.S. #1- You HAVE to make it in between 10 am and 2 pm. We WILL close the doors at 2 pm – just warning you wink emoticon

P.S.#2- We have a LOT of grandparents make orders over the phone during the Holiday Sale, but they do need to call during the sale hours!

P.S.#3- If you need to discreetly pick up an item because it’s a holiday gift, please let us know and we’ll schedule a time that you can come pick up your child’s gift, ninja style.

P.S.#4- If you use the enclosed Tuition coupon, you can save hundreds of dollars on tuition by paying in full at the Holiday Sale. Pretty crazy right? But if you can swing it, you’ll be saving a bunch of $$$ in tuition!

P.S.#5- I’ll be sending you a different flyer every day this week, previewing some of the great gifts that will be available for One-Day-Only, Nov. 14th, from 10 am-2 pm!

2015 Holiday Sale Basic Equipment Bundle Pic

























2015 Holiday Sale Coupons













2015 Holiday Sale deluxe Equipment Bundle Pic

Waldorf Martial Arts November 2015 Calendar of Events

Nov 2015 Calendar

Waldorf Martial Arts One Day Only Holiday Sale, November 14th!

2015 website pic









Students and Parents,

I’m so excited to announce our 2015 Holiday Sale! This year we’re going all out to bring you awesome martial arts equipment and gifts your whole family will love (and some they really need!).

From high quality safety gear and at home training equipment to hundreds of dollars in savings on tuition, we’ve really pulled out all of the stops. We’re really, really excited about the sale – we know you’ll love it!

If you need to get a second uniform, replace that worn out mouthpiece, or finally get a new headgear (you know, they’re not supposed to cut off circulation to the brain ;)), we can help at the Holiday Sale.

The Sale is Saturday, November 14th from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

Here’s the deal: We can only do this kind of sale for so long – the discounts and incentives are just too good to have available all of the time, so we only have the sale from 10am-2pm. Every year we have people try to purchase after the noon cutoff and the answer is NO, so please be sure to make it to the sale itself!

We’ll schedule discreet pickup if you’re trying to surprise someone with a gift, and even let family and friends make phone orders. If they call between 10 am and 2 pm they’ll get the Holiday Sale prices and discounts. I mean, why not hit up grandma for some cool karate gear, right?

Anyway, we’re really, really excited about the sale, as if you can’t tell, and we hope you are too! We’ll be announcing it in class over the next few weeks as we get ready for it.

If you have any questions, please let us know. See you at the sale!

Mrs. Cavanaugh

P.S. Black Belt and VIP students will be allowed through the doors at 9:30am!

P.P.S. We’ll even have a really cool new student package, so if you know of anyone who’s been wanting to start but just hasn’t yet, let them know that November 14th is the perfect day. Thanks!


Not all Martial Arts Schools are Created Equal! Here’s What Sets Us Apart from the Rest!


Safety is our number one concern! All of our instructors undergo background checks, are CPR and First Aid certified, and are trained how to specifically teach pre-schoolers, school- aged children, teens and adults!

Our curriculum is rich, including not only practical self-protection techniques, but also monthly character development segments, and, for those interested in competition, a strong competitive program. Our focus is on developing confidence, character, and leadership.

Unlike many Martial Arts schools, our classes are not routine. But, they are interesting, fun and entertaining! We do not believe in “ survival of the fittest” theory that many schools unfortunately operate by. We understand that by nurturing our students along patiently and encouragingly, we will produce not only a much better Martial Arts student but also a more well-positioned, successful individual!

We will not try to sell you. We are not salesmen! We are real Martial Artist, who train as well as teach. We are passionate about our art and our craft! We want to be your trusted advisor, consultant, and confidant! Our core philosophy centers around trust and integrity. We really believe that what we do will enormously and positively impact each student who studies at our academy and ,ultimately, our community!

Finally, what sets us apart from the pack, is our financial arrangement with each student. We charge an reasonable and affordable monthly tuition. And that’s it! Your uniform is free. You will not pay promotional rank testing fees or stripe/tip fees. We will not “penny, nickel, and dime” you with back-end fees that are customary in the Martial Arts. Once a month, we even provide free boards for “board breaking” practice!

So give us a call to set up your free tour of our school, located in the heart of Waldorf in the Elite Gymnastics building on Old Washington Road, and a free introductory lesson! If you like what you see, take a one-month trial course (includes up to 4 classes a week) for just $159.

Be one of the first 15 callers and receive a free Waldorf Martial Arts T-shirt! 301-645-1650. Visit us at www.waldorfmartialarts.com