A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Waldorf Action Martial Arts May 2012 Calendar of Events

2012 WAMA ACTION Team Point Standings!

Click on the link below to view the updated 2012 WAMA ACTION Team Point Standings!

Waldorf Action Martial Arts Competition Team Captures Awards at the 2012 AAU New Jersey State Taekwondo Championship

Waldorf Action Martial Arts Competition Team Captures Awards at the 2012 AAU New Jersey State Taekwondo Championship


April 21, 2012–The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) held its 2012 Youth & Adult New Jersey State Taekwondo Championship in Princeton, NJ.  The Championship included competitors from across the North East.  Many of the region’s top athletes were there to qualify for the AAU National Championship, the week of July 4th, in Fort Lauderdale, FL.  Competition was formidable with over 300 athletes in attendance. Six members of the Waldorf Action Team competed and captured  8 Gold medals, 2 Silver medals, and 2 Bronze medals for a total of 12 medals!

Competitor                  Forms       Sparring

RICKY HOSIER                    3                  1

BECKY HOSIER                   1                  1

VINCE HYMAN                   2                  1

ALYSSA HYMAN                 1                  1

ETHAN TACASTACAS        3                  2

SIA VICENTE                       1                  1

WAMA April 2012 Calendar of Events

2012 WAMA ACTION Competition Team Point Standings

Click on the link below to veiw the 2012 WAMA Competition Team Point Standings.

2012 WAMA Competition Team Members Point Standings

2012 Waldorf Action Martial Arts Class Schedule

Waldorf Action Martial Arts March 2012 Calendar of Events

February 2012 Waldorf Action Martial Arts Calendar of Events

Belt Test Requirements

WAMA Belt Testing Requirements 

 White/Orange & Orange Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: Push-ups & Sit-ups- Juniors: 10 Adults: 15.
  • White Belt & Orange: Kee Cho Meaning: Basic Form. Number Of Movements: 20
  • Orange Belt: Dan Goon (and Chun Gee). Meaning: Dan Goon was the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C. Number of Movements: 21
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): White/Orange Belts demonstrate without a partner.  Orange Belts demonstrate with a partner attacking.
 1. Step towards your partner with your right foot into a back stance as you execute an out-to-in forearm block (with right outer forearm) deflecting your partner’s punch. Then execute a knife hand strike to partner’s neck with the same hand and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
 2. Take a small step to your right to avoid your partner’s attack. As you are stepping, execute a left leg front kick to your partner’s solar plexus (the solar plexus is located right below the center of your chest, where your ribs separate). Set your left foot down next to your right foot, then, with your right foot, step into a horse riding stance facing your partner and execute a triple punch combination (right to solar plexus; left to solar plexus; right to nose) and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
3. As your partner attacks slip diagonally to the left (45 degrees) into a horse riding stance and block his attack with a left-handed palm heel block. Then execute a triple punch combination (right to ribs; left to ribs; right to temple). Slide your left leg back about halfway toward your right leg to adjust your distance and execute a round kick with right leg to the solar plexus and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
Free-Sparring: No Gear, No Contact

Yellow-Green Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: Push-ups & Sit-ups-  Juniors: 15  Adults: 25.
Board Breaking (Green Belts Only): Palm Heel or Knife Hand Strike.
  • Yellow Belt: Do San (and Dan Goon): Meaning: Do San is the nickname for the patriot Ahn Ch’ang-Ho (1876-1938) who devoted his entire life to furthering the education of Korea and its independent movement. Number Of Movements: 24
  • Green Belt: Won Hyo (and Do San). Meaning: Won Hyo was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year of 686 A.D. Number of Movements: 28
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps in addition to the following:
4. Step towards your partner with your left leg into a front stance as you execute a high block with your left forearm, blocking his attack. Keeping the left arm in the high block position as you execute a right middle punch to your partner’s solar plexus. Immediately re-chamber your right arm and execute a right palm heel strike to his chin. Perform the punch and palm heel strike in one continuous motion and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
5. As your partner attacks, execute (from your ready stance (joon bee stance)) a right leg crescent kick redirecting his attack away from you. Set the right foot down behind your left foot, into a back stance. Next, slide forward as you execute a double punch combination (left to face; right to face). To finish, slide back to adjust your distance and execute a round kick with your right leg to your partner’s ribs or jaw (whichever you prefer) and Kiap! Set your right foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
6. As your partner attacks, execute a right-leg side kick to his right rib section. Set the right foot down to the outside of his front leg. Deliver a right knife-hand strike to his rib section. Deliver a right knife-hand strike to his jaw. (Perform these 2 strikes in one continuous motion). Keeping your feet, turn your upper body counterclockwise and deliver a left knife-hand strike to partner’s solar plexus. Step away from your partner with your right leg into a back stance (left leg forward) and assume a guarding block. Then, execute a round kick with right foot to partner’s face or ribs or jaw (whichever you prefer) and Kiap! Set your right foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
Free-Sparring: Light Contact Sparring. Gear Required.

Blue Belt-Blue/Purple Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: Push-ups & Sit-ups-  Juniors: 20  Adults: 35.
Board Breaking:
Blue Belts- Front Kick or Side Kick        Blue/purple Belts- Knife Hand Strike and Side Kick or Ax Kick.
  • Blue Belt: Yul Guk (and Won Hyo): Meaning: Yul Guk is the nickname for a great scholar and philosopher named Yi I (1536-1584 A.D.) known as the “Confucius of Korea” . The 38 movements of this form refer to his birthplace on the 380 latitude and the diagram represents “Scholar”. Number Of Movements: 38
  • Blue/purple Belt: Chun Goon (and Yul Guk). Meaning: Is the name of the patriot An Chun Goon who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the 1st Japanese Governor-General of Korea, known as the man who played a leading part in the Korea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this form to represent Mr. An’s age when he was executed at Lui-Shung prison (1910). Number of Movements: 32
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps in addition to the following:
7. Take a small step to your right to avoid your partner’s attack. As you are stepping, execute a left-leg thrusting front kick to your partner’s solar plexus. Set the foot down next to your left foot and then execute a left-leg, jump-scissors front snap kick to your partner’s chin. Perform both kicks in one continuous motion and Kiap! Set your left foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
8. Step 90 degrees to the left, slipping your partner’s attack, and execute a side kick with right foot to his ribs. Set the right foot down into a front stance (right leg forward) as you execute a right outer forearm block to your partner’s punch. Execute a left punch to his ribs and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
9. Step 45 degrees to right into a horse riding stance as you simultaneously execute a left knife-hand block to your partner’s attack and a right inverted (palm up) knife-hand strike to his jaw. Then sliding your right foot to your left foot, execute a right forearm elbow strike to your partner’s left jaw. Grabbing your partner’s right arm with your left hand, deliver a right knife hand strike to his opposite jaw. Perform the elbow strike and the second knife-hand strike in one continuous motion and Kiap! Set your left foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
10. As your partner attacks, step in, towards him, with your left foot into a back stance while blocking his punch with a left side block. With your right hand, execute a punch to his solar plexus and then a left-hand punch to nose. Perform the punches in a continuous motion. Finish with a left front-leg side kick to the solar plexus or chin and Kiap! Set your left foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
Free-Sparring: Light Contact Sparring. Gear Required.

 Purple Belt, Brown Belt, & Red Belt Curriculum

 Physical Requirements:
Purple/Brown Belt:  Push-ups & Sit-ups-  Juniors: 25  Adults:  2 sets of 25. 
Red Belt: Push-ups & Sit-ups-  Juniors: 2 sets of 25  Adults:  3 sets of 25.
Board Breaking:
Purple Belts- Skip Side Kick or Hook Kick, Forearm Elbow Strike          
Brown Belts-  Any 2 kicks; one with each leg; one with right leg and one with left leg.
Red Belts- Ridge Hand or Rear Elbow Strike and any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be a spinning kick.
  • Purple Belt: Tei Gei (and Yul Guk): Meaning: Tei Gei is the penname of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th Century A.D.)an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on the 370 latitude, the diagram represents “scholar”. Number Of Movements: 37
  • Brown Belt: Wha Rang (and Chun Gee, Dan Goon, Doe Sahn, Tei Gei). Meaning: A youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty about 1,400 years ago. This group eventually became the actual driving force for the unification of the three Kingdoms of Korea. The 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, where Taekwondo developed into maturity. Number Of Movements: 29
  • Red Belt: Choong Moo ( and Won Hyo, Yul Guk, Chun Goon, Wha Rang): Meaning: Choong Moo was the given name to the great Admiral Yi Sun-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship which was the precursor of the present day submarine in 1592 A.D. The reason for this pattern ending in a left hand attack is to ymbolize his regrettable death. Checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the King, Yi Sun-Sin was given no chance in his lifetime to show his unrestrained potentiality. Number Of Movements: 30
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps in addition to the following:
11. Take a small step the right with your right foot and move your left foot towards your partner’s left shoulder so that you are in a back stance, left foot forward. As you are moving into the back stance, execute a left knife-hand strike to the left side of your partner’s neck. Then, with the left hand, grab hold of his left shoulder as you execute a right upset punch to the shoulder (right below your hand). Slide back quickly to adjust your distance and execute a right round house kick your partner’s ribs or jaw and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
12. Deliver a moon kick with right leg to deflect your partner’s attack. Without setting the right foot down, execute side kick to his solar plexus or chin. Set your right foot down into a front stance and execute a left reverse punch and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
13. Stepping sideways, with your right foot, execute a left side kick to your partner’s ribs. Set your left foot down next to your right leg and quickly execute a right leg spin side kick to his chin and Kiap! Set your right foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
14. As your partner attacks, execute a left leg front kick to his right rib section. Set the foot down next to the supporting leg and execute a right leg side kick to his solar plexus. Set the right foot down next to the supporting leg and execute a left spin side kick to his left rib section. Set the left foot down next to the supporting foot as you turn counter-clockwise into a cross-leg stance while blocking your partner’s attack with a right palm heel block. Finish with a right round kick to his left rib section or jaw and Kiap! (Perform all four kicks in a continuous motion.) Set your right foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
15. Step towards your partner with your right foot into a back stance as you execute an out-to-in forearm block (with right outer forearm) deflecting your partner’s punch. Then, with the same arm, execute a forearm elbow strike to partners left jaw. Then execute a right back-fist strike to your partner’s right temple (perform the block, elbow strike, and back-fist in one continuous motion). Without moving feet, pivot counterclockwise and deliver a rear elbow strike to solar plexus. Step away from your partner with your right leg into a forearm guarding block, back stance. Finish with a right round kick to partner’s ribs or jaw and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
16. Stepping sideways, with your right foot, execute a left side front kick to your partner’s ribs. Then, in a skipping motion to your left, execute a jumping scissors crescent kick with your left foot, deflecting your partner’s attack. Finish with a right round kick to his ribs or jaw and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
17. As your partner attacks, execute a right crescent kick deflecting his punch sideways. Counter with a left round kick to his ribs or temple. Finish with a right spin side kick to his solar plexus and Kiap! Set your right foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
18. Stepping to your right, deliver a left side kick. Set the left leg down so you are in a left-leg-forward front stance facing your partner. As you set the foot down, deliver a left knife-hand block to his punch followed by a right reverse punch to his solar plexus. With your right leg, step in front of the partner and out to his right side as you clear his punching arm with a parallel block with the twin knife-hands. Then, pivoting counterclockwise into a back stance with left foot forward, deliver a knife hand strike to his upper lip. Shifting your weight into a front stance with left foot forward, deliver a reverse ridge-hand strike to the bridge of his nose. Slide your left leg back about halfway toward your right leg to adjust your distance and execute a round kick with right leg to the solar plexus and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
19. Step to the right and execute a left side kick to your partner’s ribs. Set the left foot down next to your right as you turn clockwise and execute a right round kick to partner’s ribs or jaw. Set the right foot down into a front stance and execute a left reverse punch to your partner’s solar plexus and Kiap! Step back with right foot (away from your partner) into a back stance, guarding block.
20. Deliver a left leg crescent kick deflecting your partner’s attack sideways. Counter with a right round kick to ribs or jaw. Finish with a left spin heel kick to temple and Kiap! Set your left foot down into a back stance, guarding block.
Free-Sparring: Light Contact Sparring. Gear Required.

Red/Black Belt Curriculum

Before testing for Black Belt, the candidate must attend and satisfactorily complete the following:
  • Pre-qualifier-  Requirements: All forms from Chun Gee through Chung Moo
  • Pre-test- Requirements: All curriculums from white belt to red & black belt satisfactorily demonstrated. AAU Dan application and AAU Dan requirements completed and turned in. 
Red/Black Belt Test for promotion to 1st Dan:
Physical Requirements: 4 sets of 25 Push-ups & Sit-ups.
Board Breaking:
  • One of the Following Strikes:  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist Punch, Inverted Knife Hand Strike
  • Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be a spinning kick
 Forms: Chun Gee through Chung Moo
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Any previous 1-steps may be demonstrated
Free-Sparring: Light Contact Sparring. Gear Required. 

1st Degree Black Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.
Board Breaking:
  • One of the Following Strikes:  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist Punch, Inverted Knife Hand Strike,
  • Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a  1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.)jump scissors, 4.)jump spin, 5.)flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.
Forms: Gae Beck– Kwang Gae
  • Gae Beck: Meaning: Gae Beck is named after the great general, Gae Beck, of the Baek Je Dynasty (660 A.D.) The Diagram represents his severe and strict military discipline. Number Of Movements: 44
  • Po Eun: Meaning: Po Eun is the pseudonym of a loyal subject Chong Mong-Chu (1400) who was a famous poet and whose poem “I would not serve a second master though I might be crucified a hundred times” is known to every Korean. He was also a pioneer in the field of physics. The diagram represents his unerring loyalty to the king and country towards the end of the Koryo Dynasty. Number Of Movements: 36
  • Kwang Gae: Meaning: Kwang Gae is named after the famous Kwang-Gae-Toh-Wang, the 19th King of the Koguryo Dynasty, who regained all the lost territories including the greater part of Manchuria. The diagram represents the expansion and recovery of lost territory. The 39 movements refer to the first two figures of 391 A. D., the year he came to the throne. Number Of Movements: 39
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps, Optional Black Belt One-steps (see below), and creative 1-steps should be developed and practiced.
Black Belt Weapons Curriculum (see below): Demonstrate 1 weapon of your choice. Must be approved by Mr. Cavanaugh.
Free-Sparring: Gear Required

2nd Degree Black Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.
Board Breaking:
  • 2 of the Following Strikes (one with each hand):  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist Punch, Inverted Knife Hand Strike,
  • Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a  1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.)jump scissors, 4.)jump spin, 5.)flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.
Forms: Eui Am– Ko Dang
  • Eui Am (45 Movements): Eui Am is the pseudonym of Son Byong Hi, leader of the Korean independence movement on March 1, 1919. The 45 movements refer to his age when he changed his name of Dong Hak (oriental Culture) to Chondo Kyo (Heavenly Way Religion) in 1905. The diagram represents his indomitable spirit, displayed while dedicating himself to the prosperity of his nation.
  • Choong Jang (52 Movements): Choong Jang is the pseudonym given to General Kim Duk Ryang who lived during the Yi Dynasty, 14th century. This pattern ends with a left hand attack to symbolize the tragedy of his death at 27 in prison before he was able to reach full maturity.
  • Ko Dang (39 Movements): Ko Dang is the pseudonym of the patriot Cho Man Sik, who dedicated his life to the independence movement and education of Korea. The 39 movements of the pattern show the number of times of his imprisonment, as well as the location of his birthplace on 39 degrees latitude.
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps, Optional Black Belt One-steps (see below), and creative 1-steps should be developed and practiced.
Black Belt Weapons Curriculum (see below): Demonstrate 2 weapons of your choice. Must be approved by Mr. Cavanaugh.
Free-Sparring: Gear Required.

3rd Degree Black Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.
Board Breaking:  4 Stations.  One break should be executed with each hand and each foot.  Power breaks are acceptable.   Speed breaks are acceptable. Double Kicks are acceptable, but count only as 1 station. 
  • 2 of the Following Strikes (one with each hand):  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist Punch, Inverted Knife Hand Strike,
  • Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a  1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.)jump scissors, 4.)jump spin, 5.)flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.
Forms: Sam Il – Choi Yong
  • Sam Il (33 Movements): Sam Il denotes the historical date of the independence movement of Korea which began throughout the country on March 1, 1919. The 33 movements in the pattern stand for the 33 patriots who planned the movement.
  • Yoo Sin (68 Movements): Yoo Sin is named after General Kin Yoo Sin, a commanding general during the Silla Dynasty. The 68 movements refer to the last two figures of 668 AD the year Korea was unified. The ready posture signifies a sword drawn to the right rather than the left side, symbolizing Yoo Sin’s mistake of following his king’s order to fight with foreign force against his own nation.
  • Choi Yong (46 Movements): Choi Yong is named after General Choi Yong, Premier and Commander-in Chief of the armed forces during the 14th century Koryo Dynasty. Choi Yong was greatly respected for his loyalty, patriotism, and humility. He was executed by subordinate commanders headed by General Yi Sung Gae, who later became the first king of the Yi Dynasty.
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps, Optional Black Belt One-steps (see below), and creative 1-steps should be developed and practiced.
Black Belt Weapons Curriculum (see below): Demonstrate 3 weapons of your choice. Must be approved by Mr. Cavanaugh.
Free-Sparring: Gear Required.

4th Degree Black Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.
Board Breaking:  4 Stations.  One break should be executed with each hand and each foot.  Power breaks are acceptable.   Speed breaks are acceptable. Double Kicks are acceptable, but count only as 1 station.  Concrete Breaks can be substituted for board breaks for 4th & 5th Dan’s only.
  • 2 of the Following Strikes (one with each hand):  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist Punch, Inverted Knife Hand Strike,
  • Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a  1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.)jump scissors, 4.)jump spin, 5.)flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.
Forms: Yong Gae – Moon Moo
  • Yon Gae (49 Movements): Yon Gae is named after a famous general during the Koguryo Dynasty. Yon Gae Somoon. The 49 movements refer to the last two figures of 649 AD the year he forced the Tang Dynasty to quit Korea after destroying nearly 300,000 of their troops at Ansi Sung.
  • Ul Ji (42 Movements): Ul Ji is named after general Ul-Ji Moon Dok who successfully defended Korea against a Tang’s invasion force of nearly one million soldiers led by Yang Je in 612 AD, Ul-Ji employing hit and run guerilla tactics was able to decimate a large percentage of the force. The diagram represents his surname. The 42 movements represent the author’s age when he designed the pattern.
  • Moon Moo (61 Movements): Moon Moo honors the 30th king of the Silla Dynasty. His body was buried near Dae Wang Am (Great King’s Rock). According to his will, the body was placed in the sea “Where my soul shall forever defend my land against the Japanese”. It is said that the Sok Gul Am (Stone Cave) was built to guard his tomb. The Sok Gul Am is a fine example of the culture of the Silla Dynasty. The 61 movements in this pattern symbolize the last two figures of 661 AD when Moon Moo came to the throne.
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps, Optional Black Belt One-steps (see below), and creative 1-steps should be developed and practiced.
Black Belt Weapons Curriculum (see below): Demonstrate 4 weapons of your choice. Must be approved by Mr. Cavanaugh.
Free-Sparring: Gear Required.

5th Degree Black Belt Curriculum

Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.
Board Breaking:  4 Stations.  One break should be executed with each hand and each foot.  Power breaks are acceptable.   Speed breaks are acceptable. Double Kicks are acceptable, but count only as 1 station.  Concrete Breaks can be substituted for board breaks for 4th & 5th Dan’s only.
  • 2 of the Following Strikes (one with each hand):  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist Punch, Inverted Knife Hand Strike,
 Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a  1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.)jump scissors, 4.)jump spin, 5.)flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.
Forms: So San – Tong Il
  • So San (72 Movements): So San is the pseudonym of the great monk Choi Hyong Ung (1520 – 1604) during the Lae Dynasty. The 72 movements refer to his age when he organized a corps of monk soldiers with the assistance of his pupil Sa Myung Dang. The monk soldiers helped repulse the Japanese pirates who overran most of the Korean peninsula in 1592.
  • Se Jong (24 Movements): Se Jong is named after the greatest Korean King, Se-Jong, who invented the Korean alphabets in 1443, and was also a noted meteorologist. The diagram represents the king, while the 24 movements refer to the 24 letters of the Korean alphabet.
  • Tong Il (56 Movements): Tong Il denotes the resolution of the unification of Korea which has been divided since 1945. The diagram symbolizes the homogenous race.
One-step Self-Defense (One-steps): Previous 1-steps, Optional Black Belt One-steps (see below), and creative 1-steps should be developed and practiced.
Black Belt Weapons Curriculum (see below): Demonstrate 5 weapons of your choice. Must be approved by Mr. Cavanaugh.
Free-Sparring: Gear Required.

Black Belt Weapons Curriculum (All Black Belts) 

The subject-matter is grouped into 3-month study segments. Every 3 months we will begin a new weapon.

Weapons we currently practice are:


Escrima Stick, single & double

Nunchaku, single & double


Bamboo Sword


Advanced One-steps for Black Belts

21. Out to inside forearm block-knife hand strike * defensive side kick * left leg spin side kick * slide back and right leg jump round kick.
22. Right leg side kick * left leg spin side kick * left punch-right punch * right leg jump spin side kick
23. Right side kick * double knife hand strike * spin knife hand strike * spin back to guarding block * left-right punch * finish with spin side kick or jump spin heel kick.
24. Left hand forward knife hand block * reverse upset punch * low section left leg front kick* set left behind you and left jump spin heel kick
25. Side block * reverse punch * left leg defensive side kick * right leg high section round kick * slide back and left leg spin side kick.
26. With Left leg, step 45 degrees to left into a front stance while executing a right knife hand chop-block. Execute a right roundhouse kick to solar plexus. Set the foot down as you turn counter-clockwise into a back stance and execute a left knife hand strike to floating rib. Shift to a front stance as you execute a right reverse punch to head. Kiap!
27. With left leg, execute a downward block to the punching arm with the sole of the foot. Set the foot down and execute a right leg spin heel kick. Execute a jump spin heel kick with the right leg. Perform both spin heel kicks in a continuous fashion. Kiap!
28. Slide 45 degrees left into a riding stance while executing a right inner forearm block with the ridge hand. Shift to a left-foot forward front stance while executing a right knife hand strike to ribs. Shift back to a riding stance while executing a left fore-fist punch to ribs. Shift to a right-foot forward front stance while executing a left inner forearm block with the ridge hand. Shift to a left-foot forward front stance while executing a right inverted knife hand strike to neck. Kiap!
29. Step 90 degree to right while executing a left leg side-kick to solar plexus. Set the foot down and immediately execute a right leg jump spin hook kick. Execute a right leg round house kick to finish. Kiap!
30. Slip with left foot just outside punch as you simultaneously execute a left palm checking block to elbow and right ridge hand strike to the inside of forearm, breaking the opponent’s punching arm. Continue stepping through with right leg as you execute a glancing front elbow strike to ribs. Spin counter-clockwise and execute a rear elbow strike to ribs with left back elbow. Kiap!

WAMA Action Competition Team State Champions for 2011!

Click on the link below to veiw a listing of WAMA Competitors who captured the Gold Medal in 2011  AAU State Competitions!