A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Competition Team

Belt Test Requirements


                     BEGINNER LEVEL

 Minimum Time per Rank:  2 months   Mandatory Minimum Number of Classes: 16

White Belt

Fundamental Stances & Techniques                          

Horse Riding Stance and 10 Count Blocking Drill

Front Stance with Down Block          Back Stance with Side Block

Kicking Techniques-In place:  Back Stance- Front Kick; Round Kick; Side Kick

One-step Self-Defense: Numbers 1-3, Demonstrated without a partner


White/Orange Belt

Fundamental Stances & Techniques                          

Horse Riding Stance and 10 Count Blocking Drill

Front Stance with Down Block       Front Stance with High Block           Back Stance with Side Block

Kicking Techniques:   Back Stance- Front Kick; Round Kick; Side Kick; Crescent Kick; Moon-in Kick          

PatternKi-Cho.  Number of Movements: 20

One-step Self-DefenseNumbers 1-3, Demonstrated without a partner.


Orange Belt

 Fundamental Stances & Techniques                          

Horse Riding Stance and 10 Count Blocking Drill                10-Count Kicking Drill

Riding Stance-Middle Punch

Moving forward and backward:   Front Stance * Low Block          Back Stance * Side Block        Front Stance * High Block      Back Stance * Knife Hand Strike        Back Stance * Knife Hand Block

Moving forward, Rear leg: Front Kick; Round Kick; Side Kick; Crescent Kick; Moon Kick

 PatternsDan Goon.  Ki Cho.

One-step Self-Defense:  Numbers 1-4, Demonstrated with partner.



                     INTERMEDIATE LEVEL

 Minimum Time per Rank:  3 months   Mandatory Minimum Number of Classes: 24


Yellow Belt


Demonstrate Block and Reverse Punch Combinations

Kicking Combination:   Round Kick * Skip Side Kick

PatternsTo San.  Dan Goon.

One-step Self-DefenseNumbers 1-6; Demonstrated with partner


Green Belt


Demonstrate Block and Reverse Punch Combinations

Kicking:  Front Leg Front Kick; Round Kick; Side kick;  Round Kick * Skip Side Kick; Round Kick * Spin Side Kick

Kicking Combination: Jab *Cross * Round Kick * Skip Side Kick; Back Fist * Cross * Round Kick * Spin Side Kick

PatternsWon Hyo.  Do San.

One-step Self-Defense:   Numbers 1-6, Demonstrated with partner

Ho Sin Sul:  Wrist Grab Releases and Push Defenses.                   

Light-Contact, Controlled Free Sparring

 Board Breaking- Demonstrate a Palm Heel Break or Elbow Break at your test for Blue Belt


Blue Belt 


Double Kicking:  Double Round Kick    Round Kick * Side Kick     Hook Kick * Round Kick

Patterns:  Yul Guk.  Won Hyo.

One-step Self-Defense:  Numbers 1-10

Light-Contact, Controlled Free Sparring

Board Breaking- Demonstrate a Front Kick or Side Kick at your test for Blue/Purple Belt


Blue/Purple Belt 

Fundamentals:  Double Kicking:  Blue Belt Doubles plus:  Round Kick * Crescent Kick     Moon Kick * Side Kick

PatternsChun Goon.  Yul Guk.

One-step Self-Defense:  Numbers 1-10

Ho Sin SulSingle and Double Hand Lapel Grab Releases

Light-Contact, Controlled Free Sparring Class:

 Board Breaking- Demonstrate a Knife Hand Strike and Side Kick or Ax Kick at your test for Purple Belt



                    ADVANCED LEVEL

 Minimum Time per Rank:  4 months   Mandatory Minimum Number of Classes: 32

Purple Belt

Fundamentals:     Jump Front Kick     Jump Round Kick     Jump Side Kick

PatternsTei Gei.  Chun Goon.

One-step Self-Defense:   Numbers 1-10

Ho Sin Sul: Choke Release

Light-Contact, Controlled Free Sparring

Board Breaking- Demonstrate an elbow strike and Skip Side Kick or Hook Kick at your test for Brown Belt


Brown Belt

Fundamentals:                  Jump Spin Side Kick         Spin Heel Kick          Spin Crescent  Kick

Patterns:   Wha Rang.   Tei Gei.       Review:  Kicho, Dan Goon, Toe Sahn

One-step Self-Defense:  Numbers 11-15

Boxing Fundamentals:  Jab-Cross; Cross-Hook; Hook-Upper Cut; Upper Cut-overhand; Jab-Cross- Hook- Uppercut-Overhand.

Light-Contact, Controlled Free Sparring

Board Breaking- Demonstrate Any 2 kicks; one with each leg, at your test for Red Belt


Red Belt

FundamentalsJump Spin Side Kick; Spin Heel Kick; Spin Crescent Kick; Spin Hook Kick (set foot in front); Flying Side Kick

PatternsChoong Moo.  Wha Rang.  Chun Gee.     Review:  Won Yo, Yul Guk, Chun Gun

One-step Self-DefenseNumbers 16-20

Kick-Boxing Combinations

F. Front Kick-Jab-Cross-R. Round Kick;

F Round Kick-Cross-Hook-Spin Side Kick;

R. Round Kick (and return)-Hook-Upper Cut-Front Kick;

F. Side Kick-R. Upper Cut*overhand-R. Crescent/Ax Kick;

Step F. Ax Kick-Jab-Cross- R. Round Kick;

Hook- Uppercut-Overhand-R. Hook Kick.

Ho Sin Sul:    Hug Releases    Head Lock Defense    Full Nelson Break-away    Rear Arm Bar release

Light-Contact, Controlled Free Sparring Class:

Board Breaking- Demonstrate a Ridge Hand or Rear Elbow Strike and any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be a spinning kick.


Red/Black Belt (Black Belt Candidate, Recommended)

PatternsDemonstrate all 9 patterns

Demonstrate all One-step Self-Defense and Ho Sin Sul 

Physical Requirements Push-ups & Sit-ups-  4 sets of 25

Demonstrate 3 to 5 rounds of Higher-level Free Sparring:

Board Breaking- Demonstrate at your Black Belt Test one of the Following Strikes:  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist , & Inverted Knife Hand Strike.  Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be a spinning kick


1st Dan Black Belt Curriculum

Minimum Time at Rank:  18 months               Minimum Number of Classes: 160

Forms:  Gae Beck; Po Eun; Kwang Gae             One-steps:  21-30         Free-Sparring            Ho sin Sul 

Weapons PlayDemonstrate 1           Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.

Board Breaking: One of the Following Strikes:  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist , Inverted Knife Hand Strike.  Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a  1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.)jump scissors, 4.)jump spin, 5.)flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.


2nd Dan Black Belt Curriculum

 Minimum Time at Rank:  2 Years                 Minimum Number of Classes: 208

Forms: Eui Am; Choong Jang; Ko Dang        One-steps: 31-40                 Free-Sparring  Ho sin Sul        

Weapons PlayDemonstrate 2           Physical Requirements : 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.

Board Breaking: 2 of the Following Strikes (one with each hand):  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist , Inverted Knife Hand Strike.  Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a 1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.) jump scissors, 4.) jump spin, 5.) flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.


3rd Dan Black Belt Curriculum

 Minimum Time at Rank:  3 Years                    Minimum Number of Classes: 304

Forms:  Sam Il; Yoo Sin; Choi Yong                    One-steps              Free-Sparring           Ho sin Sul 

Weapons PlayDemonstrate 3           Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.

Board Breaking:    4 Stations.  One break should be executed with each hand and each foot.  Power breaks are acceptable.   Speed breaks are acceptable. Double Kicks are acceptable but count only as 1 station.  Pick 2 of the Following Strikes (one with each hand):  Ridge Hand, Forearm Elbow Strike, Rear Elbow Strike, Knife Hand Strike, Fore Fist Punch, Back Fist, Inverted Knife Hand Strike.  Pick Any 2 kicks; one with each leg.  One must be either a 1.) spin, 2.) jump, 3.) jump scissors, 4.) jump spin, 5.) flying kick, or 6.) flying obstacle kick.


4th Dan Master Black Belt Curriculum

Minimum Time at Rank:  4 Years                     Minimum Number of Classes: 400

Forms:  Yon Gae, Ul Ji, Moon Moo                   One-steps         Free-Sparring            Ho sin Sul 

Weapons PlayDemonstrate 4           Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.

Board Breaking:  Same as 3rd Dan


5th Dan Master Black Belt Curriculum

 Minimum Time at Rank:  5 years                    Minimum Number of Classes: 496

Forms:  So San, Se Jong, Tong Il           One-steps         Free-Sparring       Ho sin Sul 

Weapons PlayDemonstrate 5           Physical Requirements: 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups.

Board Breaking:  Same as 3rd Dan

6th Dan Senior Master Black Belt Minimum Time at Rank:  6 Years             

 7th Dan Senior Master Black Belt Minimum Time at Rank:  7 Years             

 8th Dan Grand Master Black Belt Minimum Time at Rank:  8 Years             

 9th Dan Grand Master Black Belt



One-steps (also known as 1-step sparring) are pre-arranged partner drills, designed to develop razor-sharp defensive reaction skills as well as develop one’s spatial awareness, distancing, and hand/foot — eye coordination. One-steps, practiced for years, become second nature. When confronted, a Taekwondo Black Belt will automatically react using his one-steps.

  1. Block (with right arm) blocking his punching arm. Cross arms and deliver a knife hand strike step towards attacker with right foot into a back stance as you execute an out-to-in forearm (right hand) to attacker jaw. Kiop!
  2. Hop to your right into a front stance (left leg forward) as attacker punches. Execute right leg front snap kick to attacker’s stomach or face (whichever you prefer). Set the right leg down into a horse riding stance facing the attacker and execute a triple punch combination (right to stomach; left to stomach; right to face). Kiop!
  3. Pick up the left foot and slide 45 degrees to the left into a horse riding stance and execute an out-to-in palm heel block with the left palm (blocking the attackers punching arm). Execute a triple punch combination (right to ribs; left to ribs; right to temple). Execute roundhouse kick with right leg to stomach. Kiop!
  4. Step towards attacker with your left leg into a front stance as you execute a high block with your left forearm, blocking his punching arm. Keeping the left arm in the high block position, execute a right middle punch to attacker’s stomach. Recoil right arm (you just punched with) and execute a right palm heel strike to attackers upper lip. When delivering the palm heel strike the left arm recoils to the left side hip. Kiop!
  5. As the attacker punches, execute, from a ready stance (joon bee stance), a right leg in-to-out crescent kick blocking his punching arm to the side. Set the right foot down behind the left foot and shuffle forward as you execute a double punch combination (left to face; right to face). Execute roundhouse kick with your right leg to attacker’s stomach or face (whichever you prefer). Kiop!
  6. As the attacker punches, execute a side kick to his rib section with your right foot. Set the right foot down into a horse riding stance to the outside of his front leg. Your back will be to the attacker. Cross your arms and deliver a knife hand strike to his rib section with right hand. Cross arms again and deliver a knife hand strike to his jaw (again with right hand). Pivoting feet and turning upper body counterclockwise, cross arms and deliver left knife hand strike to attacker’s stomach. Step away from attacker with right leg into a back stance (left leg forward) as you deliver a left knife hand block to his punching arm. Execute a roundhouse kick with right foot to attacker’s face or stomach (whichever you prefer). Kiop!
  7. Hop to the right and execute a front snap kick with the right foot to the stomach or face. Set the foot down and execute a jump scissors front kick with the same foot to the chin. Kiop!
  8. Step 90 degrees to the left and execute a side kick with right foot to attacker’s ribs. Set the right foot down into a front stance (right leg forward) and execute a right in-to-out forearm block to the attackers punching arm. Execute a left punch to his ribs. Kiop!
  9. Step 45 degrees to right into a horse riding stance simultaneously executing a knife hand block (left hand) to attacker’s punch and an inverted knife hand strike to his jaw. Shift weight to a back stance (left leg forward) as you execute a fore elbow strike to attacker’s jaw with your right elbow. Grab attackers punching arm with your left hand. As you bring your right foot to your left and pull him towards you with your left grabbing hand, deliver a right knife hand strike to his opposite jaw. Kiop!
  10. As opponent punches, slide toward him with your left foot into a back stance while blocking his punching arm with a left side block. With right hand, punch to solar plexus with left hand, punch to upper lip with left front foot side kick to body or face and Kiop!
  11. Take a half step right with your right foot and move your left foot towards the attacker’s left shoulder so that you are in a back stance, left foot forward. As you are moving into the back stance, execute a left knife hand strike to the attacker’s jaw, drop the hand straight down to the shoulder and execute a right upset punch to the shoulder right below your hand. Jump straight back and execute a right round house kick to ribs or face. Kiop!
  12. Deliver a Moon-in kick with right leg to attacker’s punching arm. Without setting the foot down, execute right side kick to stomach or face. Set your right foot down in front of you into a front stance and execute a left reverse punch. Kiop!
  13. Stepping, with your left foot, 90 degrees to the right, execute a side kick with the left leg to attacker’s face. Set the foot down next to your supporting leg and execute a right leg spin side kick. Kiop!
  14. As attacker punches, deliver a left leg front kick. Set the foot down next to the supporting foot and execute a right leg side kick. Set the foot down next to the supporting foot and execute a left spin side kick. Set the foot down next to the supporting foot as you spin around and block the punching arm with a right palm heel and round house kick with the right leg. Kiop!
  15. Step towards the attacker with your right leg into a back stance and execute an out/ in fore arm block. Palm facing you. Pull blocking arm back and deliver a fore elbow strike to attacker’s jaw with the right elbow. Pull arm back and deliver a back-fist strike to attacker’s temple with a right back-fist. Without moving feet, pivot counterclockwise and deliver a spin back elbow strike to floating rib. Pick up right leg and step back away from attacker into a forearm guarding block position blocking punching arm if necessary. Finish with a right round house kick to attacker’s ribs or face. Kiop!
  16. Deliver front snap kick with left foot to attacker’s stomach. Deliver jump scissors crescent kick with left foot to attackers punching hand. Deliver roundhouse kick to side of face with right foot and Kiop!
  17. Deliver crescent kick with right leg to attackers punching hand. Deliver roundhouse kick with left leg to side of face. Deliver spin side kick with right leg and Kiop!
  18. Hopping 90 degrees to your right, deliver a side kick with your left leg. Set the left leg down so you are in a left-leg-forward front stance facing the attacker. As you set the foot down, deliver a left knife hand block to his punching arm followed by a right hand reverse punch to his solar plexus. With right leg, step in front of the attacker and to his right side as you clear his punching hand with a double forearm block. Pivoting counterclockwise into a back stance with left foot forward, deliver a knife hand strike to his upper lip. Shifting your weight into a front stance with left foot forward, deliver a reverse ridge hand strike to bridge of nose. With right leg, deliver a roundhouse kick to face and Kiop!
  19. Step to the right and execute a side kick with your left leg to either attacker’s stomach. Spinning clockwise, set the left foot down behind your right. Pick up the right front foot and execute a round house kick to attacker’s face. Set the right foot down into a front stance and execute a left middle punch to solar plexus of attacker. Kiop!
  20. Deliver a left leg crescent kick to punching arm. Deliver a right leg roundhouse kick to side of face. Deliver a left leg spin heel kick to face. Kiop!
  21. Slip left to avoid punch and execute elbow dislocation*right elbow to rib* step thru and left back elbow to rib*finish with technique of choice. KIOP!
  22. Slip left to avoid punch and execute elbow dislocation*with right hand, grab top of partner’s fist circling it in a downward counter clock-wise motion. As you step through an under the arm, grab the fist with your other hand too, cranking his wrist to create wrist pain as well.  Once you are behind your partner, put him in a rear arm lock.  Let go of his hand with your left hand and put him in a tracheal choke with your forearm.  Finish with a takedown by pulling with your left arm and pushing his lower back forward with your right arm.  (don’t let go of the arm lock.)  KIOP!
  23. Right leg moon-in kick*left leg spin side kick*left punch-right punch* right leg jump spin kick. KIOP!
  24. As opponent punches, stepping with right foot, slip inside and block punch with twin forearm block.  Then stun him with a right Knife hand strike to side of neck or jaw hinge.  Then, quickly, slide your left arm under and around your partner’s arm at his shoulder.  Grab your left wrist with your right hand and explosively pull his shoulder/arm to your body (trapping arm in an arm bar), turning his elbow and shoulder over as you do this.  Circle him down to the ground keeping the shoulder locked tight to your body.   KIOP!
  25. Step straight in while executing left knife hand block and right ridge strike to groin* slide forward a little and execute right upward elbow strike to chin*finish with a downward palm heel strike to bridge of nose.  Add a kick if you’d like!  KIOP!
  26. Slip left 450 to left-leg forward front stance and execute a side block with the right  ridge hand—staying in the left-leg forward front stance, execute a right knife hand strike to the floating rib– shift to a riding stance and execute a right fore-fist punch–shift to a right leg forward front stance as you execute a left hooking block, clearing his arm out to the side–shift back to a left leg forward front stance executing an right inverted knife hand strike to his jaw.  Finish with a right leg crescent kick in front of his face (target is the right jaw/temple).  KIOP!
  27. With left leg, step 450 across to the right into a walking stance and immediately execute a jump spinning heel kick with right leg- then execute a right-left leg flutter round kick.  Set the left leg down in front and execute a right inverted knife hand strike to his neck.  Finish by grabbing the back of the neck with your right hand, sliding forward, execute a left fore-elbow strike.  KIOP!
  28. Left leg downward moon-in block to punching arm as it reaches full extension.  Right leg spin heel kick-right leg jump spin heel kick.  KIOP!
  29. Side block*reverse punch*left leg defensive side kick*right leg high section round kick*slide back and right leg jumping scissors spin side kick.  KIOP!
  30. Slip 450 left, and, with the left hand, in a downward sweeping motion, catch your partners punch as it reaches full extension.  Continue pulling it downward as you slide forward and execute a right horizontal elbow strike nose bridge/chin. Now grab the punching hand with your right hand and counter twist in a clockwise motion to the left, placing him in a painful wrist lock and either breaking the wrist or taking him down.  KIOP!
  31. Step straight in to a left leg forward Back Stance, while executing a left “C” shaped block to attackers punch.  Shift to front stance and execute a right inverted knife and strike (palm up) to jaw.  Shift back to back stance and execute a cross-cut knife hand strike to neck.  Shift back to a front stance and execute a right reverse punch to solar plexus.  Shift to back stance and execute a left leg side kick to ribs.  KIOP!
  32. Step backwards, away from attacker, with the right leg into a left leg forward back stance while you execute an inward block with the palm heel.  Move the front foot back half the distance to your back foot (right leg) and execute a right leg spin back kick.  Set the kicking leg down in front of the supporting leg  at shoulder width, and with the left leg execute a an inward “moon” kick to the attackers punching arm.  Then execute, at a 45 degree angle to the right of your opponent, a scissors jump spinning moon kick across the front of the attackers face!  KIOP!
  33. Step diagonally to your left into a left leg forward front stance while executing a hooking block with the right hand to the attackers punching arm.  Execute a right leg round kick to his solar plexus.  Set the kicking leg down shoulders width in front of your left leg, and then sliding your left leg behind your opponents front leg into a back stance as you execute a hammer fist strike to his solar plexus.  Slip to a front stance and finish with a reverse punch to the floating rib.  KIOP!
  34. Step diagonally to your left into a left leg forward front stance while executing a hooking block with the right hand to the attackers punching arm.  Execute a right leg round kick to his solar plexus.  Set the kicking leg down shoulders width in front of your left leg, and then execute a spinning crescent kick to the side of his head.
  35. As attacker begins to punch, with your right leg, step diagonally to your left and to the outside of his front leg as you execute an inward block with your right arm. Then execute a counter-clockwise spinning elbow with your left arm to his upper-lip.  Perform the block and strike in a continuous motion.  Now, pick up your right leg and spin (1800) counter-clockwise away from the attacker into a front stance while executing right reverse punch to his solar plexus. To finish, pick up your left (front) foot and spin (1800)  clockwise away from the attacker into a right leg forward back stance with guarding block.  Execute a jump side kick to his neck.  KIOP!
  36. Execute a left leg downward moon-in block to attacker’s punching arm as it reaches full extension.  Set the foot down shoulders distance in front of your right leg and immediately execute a right leg spin heel kick to the right side temple of the attacker.  Stop the kick in mid-air, next to his temple.  Then set the right foot down diagonally to your right  and to the attacker’s left, into a right leg forward front stance and execute a left leg twisting kick to the left jaw of the attacker.  KIOP!
  37. As attacker punches, slip diagonally to your left with your left leg into a riding stance and executing a pushing block with the left palm heel.  Follow with a right punch to floating rib.  The execute a right leg twisting kick to the right side of his head to the area just below his ear (back side of his jaw).  Set the foot down slightly in front of the left foot and execute a left leg spin hook kick (under his punching arm) to his sternum.  KIOP! (Variation:  execute the spin heel kick across the right side of his head following through (3600) all the way.)
  38. Choon Jang: As attacker punches, step back with right leg and execute a knife hand block. Follow with a right leg front kick to solar plexus. Set foot down in front stance as you execute flat finger-tip thrust to throat.  Drop to floor onto left knee and execute a right round kick to inner thigh. Come up to left kneeling stance and execute a right punch to groin. Standing up, step towards the attacker and execute a rear elbow strike with your left elbow.  Spin away in a clockwise motion and come to guarding block.  KIOP!
  39. As attacker punches, slip diagonally to your left with your left leg into a back stance while executing a pushing block with the left palm heel and an upset punch to ribs simultaneously.  With your left hand trap the attackers punching arm in a downward motion as you execute a right elbow attack to his jaw/chin area.  With your left leg, stepping away in a clockwise motion, finish with a right spin crescent kick to attacker’s jaw.  KIOP!
  40. As attacker punches, Slip inside punch with right leg while executing a simultaneous knife hand block and strike (as in Ul Gi). Follow with a left palm heel to jaw, a right punch to liver, a left knife hand strike to neck and a right inverted knife hand strike to neck (execute as a continuous motion).  Finish with a left knee strike to stomach.  KIOP!
  41. Slip to left of punch while executing palm block with left hand.  Continue to slip behind partner and slide right arm over punching arm and around the front of partner’s neck and grab your left bicep.  Elbow should be in front of Adam’s apple.   Apply choke very slowly.  Stop when partner taps.
  42. Slip to left of punch while executing palm block with left hand.  Continue to slip behind partner and slide right arm under punching arm and around the back of partner’s neck.  Bring your left arm around the front of your partner’s neck and grab your right bicep.  Elbow should be in front of Adam’s apple.   Apply choke very slowly.  Stop when partner taps.
  43. Slip to left of punch while executing palm block with left hand.  Continue to slip behind partner and slide right arm under punching arm and around the front of partner’s neck.  Grab your left bicep.  Apply choke very slowly.  Stop when partner taps.
  44. As opponent punches, stepping with left foot, slip inside and blocking punch with left knife-hand.  At the same instant slide your right arm around your partner’s head putting him in a front headlock choke and grab your left bicep.


Self Defense (Ho Sin Sul)

Wrist grabs

A: Wrist grab across the body (Attacker grabs your right wrist with his right hands):         D:  Step left with left foot as you simultaneously execute a clockwise circular hook block grabbing the attacker’s wrist.  Execute a right-leg round kick to attackers’ mid-section.  Follow with a right-leg downward crescent kick to attackers back followed by Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.  Practice with a left-hand wrist grab also.

A: grabs both wrists from the front (Attacker grabs your right wrist with his left hand, your left wrist with his right hand).         D: Step back into a front stance with either leg. Simultaneously perform a counter-clockwise circular release with your right hand and a clockwise circular release with your left hand.  This will bring the attackers head down.  Grab his shoulders and pull his head down as you execute a knee strike with the leg with which you stepped back.     Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

Push Defenses

A: Pushes with both hands.      D:  Slap down both arms and execute thumb gouge to eyes.  Then a right elbow to jaw.  Finish by pulling him into a knee strike.  Push him away and front kick.

A: Pushes with both hands.      D:  Slip sideways (pulling your right foot back as in an “ELITE” step) as you execute out to inside forearm block.  Execute a ridge hand to neck. Finish with side kick to knee and ax kick to spine with the same leg.

Single arm lapel/shoulder grabs

A: Right hand Lapel Grab from front (Same Side Grab).          D:  Defender grabs the sleeve of attacker with right hand at his elbow and grabs with the left hand the middle of his back.  He then pulls attacker backwards while sweeping his leg with his left foot to a takedown.  Finishes with a punch or stomp.

A: Grabs shoulder with 1 arm, same side grab.             D:  Slips head under attacker’s arm to the outside as he executes a ridge hand strike to neck as he steps behind attacker’s right leg preparing for a sweep.  He then does Osoti Geri Sweep.  Finishes with a stomp kick.

A: Grabs lapel with right hand.             D:  Wraps his left arm in a clockwise motion around attacker’s arm putting him in an elbow lock and bending him over backwards as he sweeps him with left foot.  When attacker hits the ground, defender puts him in a straight arm elbow lock.  (or you could simply finish with a stomp kick.)

A: Grabs shoulder with 1 arm, same side grab.             D:  Wraps his left arm in a clockwise motion around attacker’s arm putting him in an elbow lock and executes a right upset punch to body and right knee to body.

A: Grabs shoulder with 1 arm, same side grab.             D:  Slips head under attacker’s arm to the outside as he spins to execute a left elbow strike and then reverses his spin, sweeping the attackers leg with his right foot.

A: Grabs shoulder with 1 arm, same side grab.             D:  turns and execute left knife hand strike and right ridge hand.

A: Attacker grabs your lapel and tries to punch you with his other hand.          D:  Block the punch with one hand as you trap his grab with your other hand.  After blocking punch, execute a palm-up knife hand strike to the side of his neck.  Reach across and grab the hand you trapped and place him in a wrist lock.  Finish with a kick to the back of his knee.  Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

2-hand Lapel/throat grabs

A: Twin Lapel Grab and pulls defender in close to him.           D:  Executes a twin palm punch to jaws and immediately follows with a jump front kick.

A: Twin Lapel Grab pulling Defender in to him.            D:  Defender places his left hand on the opposite side of attacker’s jaw and pushes attackers head to the left as he executes a right cross to the jaw.

A: Twin Lapel Grab.          D:  Defender snakes’ right arm over and under attacker’s forearms.  Then with left hand grabbing his right fist, pushes up and over to right breaking hold.  Defender counters with a right uppercut and then grabs the attacker’s shoulders to pull him into a right knee strike.

A: 2 hand lapel grab.          D:  Stepping back with right leg and, with left forearm, execute a downward block to attacker’s arms.  Follow with a right elbow or right cross to his jaw.

A: Grabs lapels and attempts a head butt.        D:  Blocks head butt with heaven hands, then grabs the attacker by the back of the head with left hand and executes a right horizontal elbow strike to jaw.  (Alternate finish: He finishes by executing a right reverse throat choke as he strikes the attackers trunk with knee strikes.)

A: Grabs throat with left hand, then punches with right fist to head.            D:  With left hand, execute inward palm block to throat grab and outward knife hand block to punch.  Counter with right-left punches and finish with rear leg (R) Jump Front Kick.

A: Grabs throat with both hands.                D:  Executes right forearm Inward Block to break hold and continues to spin around to a left rear elbow strike.  He finishes by reversing to the right and executes a right rear elbow attack.

A: Twin Lapel Grab.          D:  B:  Executes right forearm Inward Block to break hold and counters with a left upset punch to body and right downward hook to jaw.

A: Twin Lapel Grab.                  D:  Answers with a right punch-left punch combo to throat and finishes with a jump front kick.

A: Front choke with both hands:            D: Tuck your chin down so attacker can’t get a good hold on your neck.  Grab both of the attacker’s wrists as you step back with your right leg.  Execute a low front kick to attacker’s stomach.  Let go his wrists and raise your fists above your head.  Execute a twin downward strike to his forearms with your hammer fists.  Follow with a twin strike to his jaws with your palm heels.  Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker puts you in a Headlock from front (guillotine Choke).              D: Tuck your chin to your chest as soon as you can.  Execute a ridge hand strike to his groin.  Then with both hands, grab the arm around your neck and pull down hard, loosening his grip.  Step through and behind him while putting him in and arm bar and forearm choke from behind.  Take him down to the ground. Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

Bear Hug

A: Attacker grabs you from the front in a Bear Hug.           D: Place both thumbs in the crease where his legs join his torso and push him away.  At the same time step back with one of your legs and execute a knee strike to attackers’ stomach. Push him away and front kick.    Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

Grabs from Behind

A: One hand shoulder grab from behind (left hand).           D:  Defender raises left arm high as he turns and executes a downward elbow to attackers’ arm, breaking the hold.  Immediately counters with a right cross to face.

A: Twin wrist grab from rear.            D 1:  Step away and Back Kick         D 2:  Step away with one leg, pulling attacker forward, then reverse your motion backwards so attacker slams into your back, knocking the air out of him.

A: Choke from Rear with hands.          D:  Defender raises right arm high as he spins out clockwise (which breaks the hold). He continues to turn to face the attacker as he grabs attacker with both hands and pulls him into a right knee strike.  He finishes with a downward elbow to the opponent’s spine.

A: Rear arm bar choke with right arm.        D:  Steps out to right into a riding stance as he executes a left rear elbow strike to solar plexus.  He then re-torques his body to the left and executes a right “angle punch” over his left shoulder to opponent’s face.

A:  Attacker comes up from behind and puts you in a headlock from the side (he hugs your head with his right arm):                D: Tuck your chin and head in case he tries to punch you. If he does start punching reach across your body with your right hand and grab the arm he is punching with.  With your left arm reach up behind his shoulder and between your head and his.  Place your index and middle fingers under his nose and sharply pull his nose upwards and backwards in the shape of an upside-down j.  Take him down backwards onto his back. Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker grabs you from behind in a bear hug:               D: Soften him up with a head-butt to the bridge of his nose.  Inhale deeply and immediately drop your weight into a low horse-riding stance and shoot both arms out straight in front of you.  This will cause the attacker’s arms to slide up.  Immediately execute an elbow strike with one arm to his ribs or face.  Then turn and execute another elbow strike with the other arm to his ribs or face.  Execute both elbow strikes as a continuous motion.  Step away and finish with a side kick to his mid-section.  Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker puts you in a Forearm Choke from Behind.          D:  As soon as you sense a choke from behind, tuck your chin to your chest so he cannot cut off your air supply.  Grab his forearm with both hands and pull down as you back out of the hold and put him in a rear arm bar and forearm choke of your own.  Take him down backwards by backing up and forcing him down to the ground.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker puts you in an Arm Bar from behind and is holding your wrist with his other hand.          D:  First you must escape the wrist grab by pulling your wrist away and into a palm up position.  Then with your free arm, execute a spin elbow strike to his head.  Step away to release from the arm bar.  Grab his wrist and round kick or side kick to body.  Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker chokes you with both hands from behind.            D:  Tuck chin as soon as you sense the grab.  Raise on arm high up overhead as you spin in the direction of your raised arm.  This will release the choke hold.  Quickly either counter attack or create distance between you and the attacker. Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker grabs you from behind in a Twin wrist grab.         D:  Try Smashing his instep with a heel stomp.  Then with either foot step back towards attacker quickly as you shoot both hands out in front of you twisting the palms up.  If done properly this will not only break the hold but also knock the wind out of him.  Finish with a back kick to his sternum.  Kiop!  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

A: Attacker puts you in a Full Nelson.            D:  Try not to let him bend you down by placing the backs of both hands firmly against your forehead and push backwards.  Suddenly, drop your weight into a low riding stance as you explosively drop your elbows to your ribs.  This should break the hold.  Step away and back kick to his sternum. Kiop.  Clear out to a guarding block, back stance.

Take-downs and Ground Defense:

Take-down to a 2-hand grab/punch: O’soto Geri Leg Sweep: Grab attacker and pull him into you as you step behind him deep with outside leg.  With inside leg sweep the back of his calf and take him down.

Take-down to a front kick: side step and perform a circular trapping block to catch his leg.  Step behind attackers supporting leg and push shoulder backwards while lifting trapped leg up simultaneously, causing him to fall backwards.

Take-down to a round kick: As attacker kicks step away from the kick as you execute a universal cross arm block to trap his leg. Once leg is trapped, Step behind attackers supporting leg and push shoulder backwards while lifting trapped leg up simultaneously, causing him to fall backwards.

Escape out of a mounted position: Trap arm and leg, bridge and roll in the direction of trapped arm and leg to mount position.  Finish with strikes and stand up and clear out into a guarding stance.

Escape out of a guard position (bottom): Shift hips so you can get one foot locked into attacker’s lower abdomen and push him away as you slide away get the other foot into his abdomen and push him away.  Finish with a kick to his face.  Stand up and clear out into a guarding stance.

 Weapons Defense

Short Stick Defense

  1. Vertical Stick Defense 1: Parry outside to arm bar from behind, disarm stick and choke.
  2. Vertical Stick Defense 2: Parry inside and reverse motion wrist lock.
  3. Vertical Stick Defense 3: Reverse High Block (step 45 to left with left leg and high block with right arm). Grab attacker’s shirt at kidney level and pull into several right knee strikes to ribs.  Then sweep backwards with left leg and once he’s down, transfer his attacking arm to your left hand and put in arm bar over left leg.
  4. Vertical Stick Defense 4: High X-Block, clear arm with left hand as you execute arc-hand to throat with right hand. Then sweep (Osoto-Geri), grab arm and arm
  5. Diagonal Stick Defense 1: High block, Reverse Punch, Grab and knee strike, elbow to spine.
  6. Diagonal Stick defense 2: Stabbing Block.  Trap arm.  Elbow and knee strikes.
  7. Horizontal stick defense 1: Universal cross arm block. Trap arm.  Elbow and knee strikes then take down.
  8. Horizontal stick defense 2: avoid 1st  Close and trap arm on return swing.  Finish with leg sweep and arm bar.
  9. Horizontal stick defense 3: Twin Forearm Block.  Grab arm with left hand and strike with knife hand to ribs.  Grab stick arm with both hands and circle under and turn and Round kick to stomach/face.  Sweep backwards and put in arm bar.
  10. Horizontal stick defense 4: Twin Forearm Block.  Grab arm with left hand and strike with knife hand to ribs.  Grab stick arm with both hands and circle under and turn and execute an arch kick to back of knee.  Hammer fist to spine.

Knife Defense

  1. To Overhead Downward Stab (angle 1)
  2. To Lunging Thrust (angle 8)
  3. To Horizontal Slashing (angle 4):
  4. To Horizontal Slashing (angle 5):
  5. To Diagonal Slashing (Downward angle 2 ):
  6. To Diagonal Slashing (Downward angle 3):
  7. To Diagonal Slashing (Upward angle 6):
  8. To Diagonal Slashing (Upward angle 7)
  9. To Upward Thrust (angle 9):
  10. To Threat Behind the back:
  11. To Threat Against the throat:

Handgun Disarms:

  1. Pointed at head
  2. Pointed at body
  3. Pointed at head from behind
  4. Pointed at body from behind
  1. 2 hand grip points at head
  2. 2 hand grip pointed at body
  3. Gangster grip at head
  4. Horizontal slapping disarm
  5. Vertical slapping disarm

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