Archive for the ‘0-Class Schedule’ Category
Class Schedule as of June 3, 2024
Dear student, parent, guardian, spouse,
We are making a slight adjustment on our class schedule on Fridays. Beginning June 3, 2024, the Friday White Belt class will begin at 6:00 pm along with the White/Orange Belts, Orange Belts, and Yellow Belts. That class will be 15 minutes longer, lasting to 6:45 pm. Any further questions about this can be directed to Mrs. Cavanaugh.
Mr Cavanaugh

WMA Class Schedule with Correct Lil Dragon ZOOM URL’s and ID’s
ATTENTION Parents of Lil Dragons-Please read immediately
ATTENTION: Parents/Guardians of Lil’ Dragons—
As careful as I was, I still managed to mess up a couple of things on the new class schedule! Regarding the Lil’ Dragons: The correct ZOOM URL’s and ID’s are as follows-
Lil’ Dragons-Beginner (white & orange stripe belts)- 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
876 8826 4505
Lil’ Dragons-Advanced (yellow to black stripe belts)-6:00 pm – 6:30 pm
899 7573 1793
Lil’ Dragons-Advanced (yellow to black stripe belts)- 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm 5514 9055
Lil’ Dragons-Beginner (white & orange stripe belts)-6:00 pm – 6:30 pm
838 9982 2207
Sorry about the mistake.
Mr. Cavanaugh
July 12, 2021 Class Schedule
Schedule Effective August 3, 2020
Click to open 2020-aug 3- Schedule with Zoom URL ID
Then download and open in Adobe. The Hyperlinks should work once it is downloaded.