A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Competition Team

Posts Tagged ‘Team Members’

2013 Competition Team Point Standings-updated May 12.

Click on the link below to view updated WAMA Competition Team Standings!

2013 WAMA Competition Team Members Point Standings up to Mid-Atlantic WTA

WAMA Competition Team Point Standings-updated May 8, 2013

Click the link below to updated team standings!


2013 WAMA Competition Team Members Point Standings up to AAU Annapolis

2013 WAMA Dragons Competition Team Point Standings (Updated April 18, 2013)

Click on the link below to see the latest point standings for WAMA competition team members!

2013-WAMA-Competition-Team-Members-Point-Standings (4-18-13)

Be A WAMA Competition Team Member!

2013 Pre-Season Competition Team Classes Begin in October!

October is also the month for students who are not on the Team to come train and try out for a spot on the Team.  Classes are on Friday night from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm.

Team Members learn about:

  • Good sportsmanship.

  • Working together and bonding as a team.

  • Winning graciously with humility; losing respectfully, without excuses.

  • Overcoming the fear & nervousness of performing in front of large groups of people, the fear of getting hurt, and the fear of losing.

  • “Mental Toughness”; that is, how to handle pain and fear under pressure.

…Life-skills that will benefit them for the rest of their life!

See you There!  Friday night at 6:30 pm.




2012 WAMA ACTION Team Point Standings!

Click on the link below to view the updated 2012 WAMA ACTION Team Point Standings!

2012 WAMA ACTION Competition Team Point Standings

Click on the link below to veiw the 2012 WAMA Competition Team Point Standings.

2012 WAMA Competition Team Members Point Standings