A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Posts Tagged ‘Taekwondo’

The Truth About Tae Kwon Do

The Truth About Taekwondo

Tae Kwon Do. What is it? To most, it’s a method of simply learning how to defend one’ self. Many simply think it’s a sport or “activity” their children can do for a few months…until football or soccer season begins again. Some believe it to be violent and heavily influenced by Eastern Religion. Let me tell you what it’s really all about, based on my 37 years of study of the Art of Tae Kwon Do.

Tae Kwon Do translated into English means “Kick-Punch-Way”. But much gets lost in this literal translation. Tae Kwon Do is a multifaceted and deeply profound way of living one’s life. To more accurately describe the depth and complexity of this martial art, the translation needs to be expanded. The power of this martial art is all-encompassing. It is not just about learning how to defend yourself. Tae Kwon Do has many layers that are peeled away and revealed slowly over one’s entire life. That is why anyone of any age can enjoy the benefits of Taekwondo. Unlike most sports that are reserved only for the young, Tae Kwon Do can be practiced well into old-age.

Tae Kwon Do more accurately described is “a way of life that shapes the practitioner’s self-concept in its entirety; one’s physical, mental, and spiritual spheres. It accomplishes this through extremely rigorous training of one’s body which, if practiced over many years, eventually leads to mastery of the many kicking and punching techniques it teaches and, thus, forges the body to levels that are remarkable. A natural consequence of this physical transformation is the extraordinary mental confidence and spiritual enlightenment that is also achieved.”

Tae Kwon Do, taught in a traditional manner, is a holistic method of character development, a personal improvement system that can totally affect one’s way of life and way of thinking. The Art of Tae Kwon Do has a deep philosophy, rich in the traditions of East Asia’s warrior class (i.e. Samurai). A philosophy of necessity to these soldiers. This is known today as the Way of “Budo”, or the Way of the Warrior. Their philosophy cherished life in the highest regard. To take a life was the last resort. These warriors held values such as honor, courage, loyalty, respect, integrity, humility, gratitude, and service in great revere.

Tae Kwon Do, today, emphasizes the same set of values to its practitioners. Unlike what is portrayed in film, its philosophy is based on a peaceful way of life built on freedom and justice. Tae Kwon Do skills should never be used until all other options have expired (i.e., walking away, talking it out). It underscores the importance of honor and respect towards parents, teachers, seniors, fellow students, and of course, one’s self. Tae Kwon Do’s philosophy also places a high priority on the protection of those younger and weaker, and, never to use one’s martial skills unjustly.

Tae Kwon Do is not easy, it’s benefits are not quickly obtained. It takes years to become proficient. But then, think about it. Anything of value requires hard work, patience, discipline, and dedication. Otherwise, it would hold no value. For those who stay the course, the results of their commitment and sacrifice are immeasurable!

In the end, a true practitioner of Tae Kwon Do lives a life striving for mastery of mind, body, and spirit through consistent and committed life-long training. Tae Kwon Do itself is a vehicle to build a more peaceful and harmonious individual and society . . .to build a more peaceful world. In fact, advanced practitioners pledge an oath to “share what I have learned with others” in hopes of achieving this end.


adult morning classes in Taekwondo on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Are you a stay-at-home mom with time on your hands while the kids are in school? Or, maybe you work in the afternoon or evening? Whatever the reason, did you know we have adult morning classes in Taekwondo on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. You’ll sweat a bucket while you get in great shape, learn useful self-defense skills, meet other men & women like yourself, AND have a ball! It’s like taking a 60 minute vacation twice a week! Just give us call to schedule your first class. 301-645-1650. 

A Winner Never Quits

A Winner Never Quits

Taekwondo is a scientific discipline and a stunningly aesthetic Art as well.  There is nothing magical or mystical about the seemingly super-human feats a Master of Taekwondo can perform.  I can assure you that there are no secrets that Taekwondo Black Belts share.  The only secret is desire, dedication, discipline, and a whole lot of hard, hard work.  And that’s ALL that it takes, period.

Taekwondo training is rewarding and life-changing, but also extremely challenging.  At times it’s simply not easy.  To be proficient in Taekwondo, you must go to class to learn the proper execution of techniques and skills AND you must do your “Homework” too!  Consistent  training both in and out of class is a must.  And the higher level one achieves, the higher the level of training that is required!

Yes, it takes sacrifice and hard work to master anything that’s of value.  I would go as far as to say that hard work and sacrifice are one in the same, in that you can’t have one without the other.   The reality is that this is why so many people who begin taekwondo training, excited to learn the skills of the Art, discontinue their training after only a few short months or years.  After the newness of taekwondo training has worn off, and the student gets a taste of the repetitive drill-work that’s required, they simply tire of the hard work that’s needed to realize their goal.

So what happens?  Choices are made and priorities are shifted to something else that requires much less effort.   Commitment gives way to laziness.   Students find themselves constantly  making choices between practicing or doing something else.   Choices are made like going to Taekwondo practice or playing a new video game, or playing with your favorite friends, or coming home to a comfortable, cozy couch and your favorite beverage and watching T.V.   And on and on it goes, until taekwondo training is just a distant thought in the back of one’s mind.   Something they tried, but it wasn’t for them.

Another reason students hang up their belts is failure. But failure is a necessary and important aspect of Taekwondo.  I don’t know anyone who has NOT failed at least one Taekwondo exam.  Unfortunately, many people who fail an exam blame something or someone other than the true culprit…themselves!  Truth be known, the only one responsible for failing any test, is one’s own self.  Sometimes it’s from being ill-prepared, and sometimes it’s due to uncontrollable circumstances, such as injury.  But one thing is for sure; the ones that don’t quit learn a valuable lesson of Taekwondo.  That is, failure eventually leads to success.  And sweet success it is.  It is a lesson that will guide you for the rest of your life!

In summary, hard work, failure, and sacrifice lead many to quit training in Taekwondo.  But these  are actually blessings in disguise for the ones who carry on.  Setbacks in training, failure in promotion, and learning how to work hard at something are a normal part of everyday life that one needs to not only understand, but also how to  defeat.  Those students who overcome the setbacks and hardships experienced through Taekwondo training  benefit from the hard, but necessary, life-lessons they conquered in training for the rest of their lives!  They understand that “Winners Never Quit”!

Some kicking drills that are fun and will build your endurance too!

Taekwondo artists are known for their kicking prowess.  Here are a few partner drills from trusocietytheory to help you perfect your’s!

Kicking Drill 1:″><param

Kicking Drill 2:″><param

Kicking Drill 3:″><param

Kicking Drill 4:″><param

Kicking Drill 5:″><param

Kicking Drill 6:″><param

Juan Moreno warming up a group of Taekwondo athletes.

Check these warmup drills to add some spice to your training!

The greatest compliment we can receive is for you to invite friends to our school!

Did you know WAMA has a referral program that can save you money on tuition?

Be a WAMA Taekwondo Ambassador! We value your family’s friendship.  We are sincerely grateful and honored that you have chosen us to help raise your kids.  We also know that there are a lot of other kids that could benefit from what we offer here.  Kids whose families you know from work, school, church, and many other places.  We want to attract more families like yours too.  This is why we created the WAMA Ambassador Program.  It is a referral program designed to attract quality people, like yourself to our school. It also allows our valued students to share their martial arts experience with their families and friends at a substantial saving!

Here’s how it works–Every family you refer, will receive a One-Month Trial Membership at absolutely no cost!  Plus, a special discount will be available for any sponsored guest that qualifies for entry into our regular program.

In appreciation for your support you will receive a Special “Gift of Gratitude” for each sponsored guest that takes advantage of this opportunity.  Furthermore, if they enroll in our Basic Program, in exchange for your help, we will knock $10 off your monthly tuition for one entire year!  For every family you refer and who enrolls in a Basic Program, we’ll knock off an additional $10 for an entire year!

I hope you agree that we have a great school, great instructors and staff, great students and families, AND that we do a lot of good too.  We provide an enjoyable and upbeat place to bring our families.  We teach kids how to be more respectful and courteous, how to do the right thing, how to focus, and how to be leaders among their peers.  Ultimately, our goal is to enhance their self-esteem and self-confidence.

I hope you also agree that all of this is truly important in today’s society, which is unfortunately characterized in large part by an epidemic of obese kids, inactive and fixated on electronic computerized games.  Kids that are exposed to inappropriate actions and behaviors daily at school, on TV, and, yes, through the video games they play. And that’s why what we do here is so important.  We provide our kids a place to learn right from wrong, a family-centered environment with a positive message for our kids.  Our school is a place where they can make good friends and feel good about themselves. Once enrolled, your kids become our kids and your family becomes a part of our family.

Ambassador Guest Cards are available at the Pro-Shop.  Please give them to people whom you think might benefit from and enjoy practicing Taekwondo.

Save big $$$ on your tuition simply by inviting your friends to WAMA!

Be a WAMA Taekwondo Ambassador! We value your family’s friendship.  We are sincerely grateful and honored that you have chosen us to help raise your kids.  We also know that there are a lot of other kids that could benefit from what we offer here.  Kids whose families you know from work, school, church, and many other places.  We want to attract more families like yours too.  This is why we created the WAMA Ambassador Program.  It is a referral program designed to attract quality people, like yourself to our school. It also allows our valued students to share their martial arts experience with their families and friends at a substantial saving!

 Here’s how it works–Every family you refer, will receive a One-Month Trial Membership at absolutely no cost!  Plus, a special discount will be available for any sponsored guest that qualifies for entry into our regular program.

In appreciation for your support you will receive a Special “Gift of Gratitude” for each sponsored guest that takes advantage of this opportunity.  Furthermore, if they enroll in our Basic Program, in exchange for your help, we will knock $10 off your monthly tuition for one entire year!  For every family you refer and who enrolls in a Basic Program, we’ll knock off an additional $10 for an entire year!

 I hope you agree that we have a great school, great instructors and staff, great students and families, AND that we do a lot of good too.  We provide an enjoyable and upbeat place to bring our families.  We teach kids how to be more respectful and courteous, how to do the right thing, how to focus, and how to be leaders among their peers.  Ultimately, our goal is to enhance their self-esteem and self-confidence.

 I hope you also agree that all of this is truly important in today’s society, which is unfortunately characterized in large part by an epidemic of obese kids, inactive and fixated on electronic computerized games.  Kids that are exposed to inappropriate actions and behaviors daily at school, on TV, and, yes, through the video games they play. And that’s why what we do here is so important.  We provide our kids a place to learn right from wrong, a family-centered environment with a positive message for our kids.  Our school is a place where they can make good friends and feel good about themselves. Once enrolled, your kids become our kids and your family becomes a part of our family.

 Ambassador Guest Cards are available at the Pro-Shop.  Please give them to people whom you think might benefit from and enjoy practicing Taekwondo.

An straightforward explanation for practicing Taekwondo.

An straightforward explanation of why practicing Taekwondo could help a lot of kids and adults alike deal with the struggles that life presents.  Please check out the link:!/notes/waldorf-action-martial-arts-center-inc/whats-the-purpose-of-taekwondo-in-todays-world-a-simple-straightforward-explanat/122894917782452