A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Competition Team

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WAMA October 2011 Calendar of Events

Back in the day!

Was copying my VHS library to DVD and put together a short compilation of clips back in the day. Had a lot of fun doing it. About 10 minutes long.  Check it out.

More WAMA Action Competition Team Pics!

Pics from the WAMA Competition Team practice.  Performing conditioning training and point sparring practice.  Click on a pic to enlarge.







proper breathing enhances athletic performance

According to Forbes, proper breathing enhances athletic performance by 15%! Check out the details…

Pictures of WAMA April 30,2011 Belt Testing taken by Terri Wolf

Congratulations to everyone who attended the WAMA April 30,2011 Belt Testing this weekend!  Great job!  We are proud of your effort and performance.  Below are a few pics. of testing taken by Terri Wolf.

Some of our students’ matches at the 2011 MD State AAU TKD Champioship last weekend!

Check out these videos of some of our students’ matches at the 2011 MD State AAU TKD Champioship last weekend!

2011 Maryland State AAU TKD Photo’s of Waldorf Action Martial Arts Students!

Some kicking drills that are fun and will build your endurance too!

Taekwondo artists are known for their kicking prowess.  Here are a few partner drills from trusocietytheory to help you perfect your’s!

Kicking Drill 1:″><param

Kicking Drill 2:″><param

Kicking Drill 3:″><param

Kicking Drill 4:″><param

Kicking Drill 5:″><param

Kicking Drill 6:″><param

Wall Drills for Explosive Acceleration

TKD Point sparring is about speed….explosive speed!  Practice this excellent Wall Drill for Explosive Acceleration!

Effective footwork drills to develop your agility and explosive speed!

Practice these simple, yet very effective, footwork drills to develop your agility and explosive speed!