A parent sends us a letter of thanks:
“Mrs. C., You and Mr. C have become part of the family and Tae Kwon Do has shaped our son into what he is today and the lessons learned will carry him far in adulthood.  We are eternally grateful. You know the  apprehensions of having a son and what kind of man he will be, how he’ll make it through boyhood with all the pressures, challenges, and temptations.  You and Mr. C have not only taught him how to defend himself if needed, but respect for others and himself.  It’s challenging to raise a successful child and I truly believe we would not have been as successful without our community of friends and “family.”   MARILYN  W., Mother
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Competition Team

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Bodyweight Exercises for conditioning!

Check out these conditioning drills. They’re great for any sport! We’ll be doing them at our Friday Night Team Practice!:

Juan Moreno warming up a group of Taekwondo athletes.

Check these warmup drills to add some spice to your training!

Waldorf Action Video Collage

Check out this video of some of the highlights over the past years!  Click the link below to watch.

Awesome conditioning drills!!

Check out these conditioning drills. They’re great for any sport! We’ll be doing them at our Friday Night Team Practice!  Just click on the link below:

Competition Team Practice Pics Friday Night March 25, 2011

Great Job tonight everyone!!

Printable Guest Pass for students to give to friends and family.

  1. Place the cursor over the guest pass image and click on it. Another image of the Guest Pass will appear.  Print this page out.
  2. Cut the Gift Certificate out with a pair of scissors.
  3. Print your full name clearly where it says “Student’s Name”.
  4. Give the gift certificate to your friend or relative.
  5. Tell them call to schedule their 1st lesson.
  6. Have them present this card when they come in for their 1st lesson.
  7. After your friend comes in for their Introductory Lesson, you will receive a $25 Cash Card as a referral reward!
  8. If they continue on to a 6-month Beginner Course, you will get an additional $100 Cash Card!

 Thank you for your kind words and support for

Waldorf Martial Arts!


Some TASK Students mixing it up!

After-school Kids doing Sumo Wrestling

Spring Break Karate Sports Camp Informational Flyer

One-steps by Belt Rank

Onesteps (also known as 1-step sparring) are pre-arranged partner drills, designed to develop razor-sharp defensive reaction skills as well as develop one’s spatial awareness, distancing, and hand/foot — eye coordination.  Onesteps, practiced for years, become second nature.  When confronted, a Taekwondo Black Belt will automatically react using his onesteps.

White/Orange Belt

1. Block (with right arm) blocking his punching arm. Cross arms and deliver a knife hand strike step towards attacker with right foot into a back stance as you execute an out-to-in forearm(right hand) to attacker jaw kiop!

2. Hop to your right into a front stance (left leg forward) as attacker punches. Execute right leg front snap kick to attacker’s stomach or face (whichever you prefer). Set the right leg down into a horse riding stance facing the attacker and execute a triple punch combination (right to stomach; left to stomach; right to face). Kiop!

3. Pick up the left foot and slide 45 degrees to the left into a horse riding stance and execute an out-to-in palm heel block with the left palm (blocking the attackers punching arm). Execute a triple punch combination (right to ribs; left to ribs; right to temple). Execute roundhouse kick with right leg to stomach. Kiop!

Yellow/Green Belt

4. Step towards attacker with your left leg into a front stance as you execute a high block with your left forearm, blocking his punching arm. Keeping the left arm in the high block position, execute a right middle punch to attacker’s stomach. Recoil right arm (you just punched with) and execute a right palm heel strike to attackers upper lip. When delivering the palm heel strike the left arm recoils to the left side hip. Kiop!

5. As the attacker punches, execute, from a ready stance (joon bee stance), a right leg in-to-out crescent kick blocking his punching arm to the side. Set the right foot down behind the left foot and shuffle forward as you execute a double punch combination (left to face; right to face). Execute roundhouse kick with your right leg to attacker’s stomach or face (whichever you prefer). Kiop!

6. As the attacker punches, execute a side kick to his rib section with your right foot. Set the right foot down into a horse riding stance to the outside of his front leg. Your back will be to the attacker. Cross your arms and deliver a knife hand strike to his rib section with right hand. Cross arms again and deliver a knife hand strike to his jaw (again with right hand). Pivoting feet and turning upper body counterclockwise, cross arms and deliver left knife hand strike to attacker’s stomach. Step away from attacker with right leg into a back stance (left leg forward) as you deliver a left knife hand block to his punching arm. Execute a roundhouse kick with right foot to attacker’s face or stomach (whichever you prefer). Kiop!

Blue/Blue-Purple Belt

7. Hop to the right and execute a front snap kick with the right foot to the stomach or face. Set the foot down and execute a jump scissors front kick with the same foot to the chin. Kiop!

8. Step 90 degrees to the left and execute a side kick with right foot to attacker’s ribs. Set the right foot down into a front stance (right leg forward) and execute a right in-to-out forearm block to the attackers punching arm. Execute a left punch to his ribs. Kiop!

9. Step 45 degrees to right into a horse riding stance simultaneously executing a knife hand block (left hand) to attackers punch and an inverted knife hand strike to his jaw. Shift weight to a back stance (left leg forward) as you execute a fore elbow strike to attackers jaw with your right elbow. Grab attackers punching arm with your left hand. As you bring your right foot to your left and pull him towards you with your left grabbing hand, deliver a right knife hand strike to his opposite jaw. Kiop!

10. As opponent punches, slide toward him with your left foot into a back stance while blocking his punching arm with a left side block. With right hand, punch to solar plexus with left hand, punch to upper lip with left front foot side kick to body or face and kiop!

Purple to Red Belt

11. Take a half step right with your right foot and move your left foot towards the attacker’s left shoulder so that you are in a back stance, left foot forward. As you are moving into the back stance, execute a left knife hand strike to the attacker’s jaw, drop the hand straight down to the shoulder and execute a right upset punch to the shoulder right below your hand. Jump straight back and execute a right round house kick to ribs or face. Kiop !

12. Deliver a Moon-in kick with right leg to attacker’s punching arm. Without setting the foot down, execute right side kick to stomach or face. Set your right foot down in front of you into a front stance and execute a left reverse punch. Kiop !

13. Stepping ,with your left foot, 90 degrees to the right, execute a side kick with the left leg to attacker’s face. Set the foot down next to your supporting leg and execute a right leg spin side kick. Kiop !

14. As attacker punches, deliver a left leg front kick. Set the foot down next to the supporting foot and execute a right leg side kick. Set the foot down next to the supporting foot and execute a left spin side kick. Set the foot down next to the supporting foot as you spin around and block the punching arm with a right palm heel and round house kick with the right leg. Kiop!

15. Step towards the attacker with your right leg into a back stance and execute an out/ in fore arm block . Palm facing you. Pull blocking arm back and deliver a fore elbow strike to attackers jaw with the right elbow. Pull arm back and deliver a backfist strike to attackers temple with a right backfist. Without moving feet, pivot counterclockwise and deliver a spin back elbow strike to floating rib. Pick up right leg and step back away from attacker into a forearm guarding block position blocking punching arm if necessary. Finish with a right round house kick to attacker’s ribs or face. Kiop!

16. Deliver front snap kick with left foot to attackers stomach. Deliver jump scissors crescent kick with left foot to attackers punching hand. Deliver roundhouse kick to side of face with right foot and kiop!

17. Deliver crescent kick with right leg to attackers punching hand. Deliver roundhouse kick with left leg to side of face. Deliver spin side kick with right leg and kiop!

18. Hopping 90 degrees to your right, deliver a side kick with your left leg. Set the left leg down so you are in a left-leg-forward front stance facing the attacker. As you set the foot down, deliver a left knife hand block to his punching arm followed by a right hand reverse punch to his solar plexus. With right leg, step in front of the attacker and to his right side as you clear his punching hand with a double forearm block. Pivoting counterclockwise into a back stance with left foot forward, deliver a knife hand strike to his upper lip. Shifting your weight into a front stance with left foot forward, deliver a reverse ridgehand strike to bridge of nose. With right leg, deliver a roundhouse kick to face and kiop!

19. Step to the right and execute a side kick with your left leg to either attacker’s stomach. Spinning clockwise, set the left foot down behind your right. Pick up the right front foot and execute a round house kick to attacker’s face. Set the right foot down into a front stance and execute a left middle punch to solar plexus of attacker. Kiop!

20. Deliver a left leg crescent kick to punching arm. Deliver a right leg roundhouse kick to side of face. Deliver a left leg spin heel kick to face.  Kiop!


21. Out to inside forearm block-knife hand strike * defensive side kick * left leg spin side kick * slide back and right leg jump round kick.

22.  Right leg side kick * left leg spin side kick * left punch-right punch * right leg jump spin side kick

23.  Right side kick * double knife hand strike * spin knife hand strike * spin back to guarding block * left-right punch * finish with spin side kick or jump spin heel kick.

24.  Left hand forward knife hand block * reverse upset punch * low section left leg front kick* set left behind you and left jump spin heel kick

25. Side block * reverse punch * left leg defensive side kick * right leg high section round kick * slide back and left leg spin side kick.

26. With Left leg, step 45 degrees to left into a front stance while executing a right knife hand chop-block.  Execute a right roundhouse kick to solar plexus.  Set the foot down as you turn counter-clockwise into a back stance and execute a left knife hand strike to floating rib.  Shift to a front stance as you execute a right reverse punch to head.  Kiop!

27. With left leg, execute a downward block to the punching arm with the sole of the foot.  Set the foot down and execute a right leg spin heel kick.  Execute a jump spin heel kick with the right leg.  Perform both spin heel kicks in a continuous fashion.  Kiop!

28. Slide 45 degrees left into a riding stance while executing a right inner forearm block with the ridge hand.  Shift to a left-foot forward front stance while executing a right knife hand strike to ribs. Shift back to a riding stance while executing a left fore-fist punch to ribs. Shift to a right-foot forward front stance while executing a left inner forearm block with the ridge hand.  Shift to a left-foot forward front stance while executing a right inverted knife hand strike to neck.  Kiop!

29. Step 90 degree to right while executing a left leg side-kick to solar plexus.  Set the foot down and immediately execute a right leg jump spin hook kick.  Execute a right leg round house kick to finish.  Kiop!

30. Slip with left foot just outside punch as you simultaneously execute a left palm checking block to elbow and right ridge hand strike to the inside of forearm, breaking the opponent’s punching arm.  Continue stepping through with right leg as you execute a glancing front elbow strike to ribs.  Spin counter-clockwise and execute a rear elbow strike to ribs with left back elbow. Kiop!